Is the global climate really changing? We believe it is. In this blog we are going to give you a list of 5 pieces of scientific evidence that proves global warming is really happening.

Although there is enough evidence and scientific data that suggests that the global climate is warming, there are still people who believe that global warming is not happening at all. It’s an ongoing controversy, where some people always oppose the idea that the temperature of the globe is constantly warming up.

“The current scientific consensus on climate change is that recent warming indicates a fairly stable long-term trend that the trend is largely human-caused, and that serious damage may result at some future date if steps are not taken to halt the trend.” –

Climate change – How do we know that it’s real?

How do we know if the climate change is really happening? Climate change is really happening and the evidence is all around us. The average global temperature is constantly rising and we are seeing major changes in our atmosphere and weather patterns.

Consequences of global warming are already evident and have had observable effects on the environment.  Some of these effects are extreme weather events that are being reported more frequently around the globe, melting of arctic ice, rise in sea level, and so on.

5 Warning signs of global climate Change

The Global Analysis – February 2015 data from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) shows that the surface temperature of the globe has risen by 1.42°F above the above the 20th century average. It also shows that the average global sea surface temperature was the third highest for January – February in the 136-year period of record. The warmest February on record was in 1998 and the second highest one was in 2010.

The average temperature of the globe is constantly rising. There is an increasing trend in record hot days versus record cold temperatures with currently twice as many record hot days than record cold temperatures (Meehle 2009, – press release).

However, rising temperatures around the globe is not the only indication of global climate change. Below are five signs of global warming that everyone ought to know about.

1. Greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere

The amount of greenhouse gases present in the atmosphere and concentration of carbon dioxide in the air has been increasing since the industrial revolution times. Scientists have analyzed the carbon dioxide concentration trapped in air bubbles in the ice of Antarctica and Greenland, and found out that atmospheric  carbon dioxide (CO2) varied between 180 and 300 parts per million (ppm), in the past 650,000 years or so. According to a report published by the World Meteorological Organization in November 2013

The amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere reached a new record high in 2012, continuing an upward and accelerating trend which is driving climate change and will shape the future of our planet for hundreds and thousands of years.”

Furthermore, scientists of the National Research Council have also pointed out that the increase in atmospheric CO2 is the result of burning fossil fuels and forests, and not the result of natural processes.

“Greenhouse gases are accumulating in Earth’s atmosphere as a result of human activities, causing surface air temperatures and sub-surface ocean temperatures to rise.” – National Research Council

2. Decline in Arctic sea ice

photo_5299_20080317Sea ice plays a critical role in global ocean current circulation. Sheets of ice form on the surface of the ocean when the water temperature drops just below the freezing point, usually 28.8°F. As ice forms, it expels the salt around it, changing the density of seawater.

Arctic temperature has increased at twice the rate as the rest of the globe. Arctic Ocean is now decreasing by a rate of about 13 percent per decade, compared to the 1979-2000 average, according to the Discovery News.

3. Warming of ocean waters

It takes far more energy to heat up the oceans of the earth, and oceans heat up much slower than the earth’s surface. 90 percent of global warming goes into heating the oceans. Over the last 50 years, scientists have shown that the ocean waters have warmed about 0.2 degrees, but it was not due to natural causes alone.  It does not only affect the surface seawater, but sea water is also warming up deeper than 700 meters, (2000 feet) deep.

4. Sea level rise

Using both satellites and tide gauges scientists have shown that global sea levels are rising. Since 1993, on average, the sea levels around the world have been rising by 3.18 mm (0.125 inches) per year. The primary reason for the sea level rise is the consequence of thermal expansion of ocean waters due to warming and melting of ice sheets, says Discovery News.

5. Extreme weather

We have been experiencing more deviations from usual weather patterns around the world. Although finding a connection between any given weather event and human activities is not always straight forward, scientists have always speculated that a change in climate will certainly make some weather events more frequent and others more extreme.

Global warming leads to a lot of the climatic changes that we are experiencing around us right now. Warming of ocean waters, melting of arctic ice and expansion of arctic ice, for example, are actually making it more difficult for hurricanes to form, but making the hurricanes that do form stronger.


Scientists have proven again and again that the recent climatic changes are caused by human actions, and not just by natural reasons. What can we do about it? Well it’s the responsibility of all of us to reduce negative impacts on the globe. It’s easier than you think. If we are all aware of the things that we are doing to damage the planet, and the consequences that we would be facing if we continue, it would make it a lot easier for us to fight global warming. We can all work together, become aware of the things you could do that are green and sustainable, to improve our planet.

Please join us to spread awareness and to combat global warming. We could create a greener planet for all of us and also for the future generations. To learn more, please Click here to book a meeting with us.

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Source:  Institute of Ecolonomics

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