All food that we eat is organic. It comes from some sort of living thing, either plants or animals, but when we say organic food or organic farming, we mean to say food produced without the use of synthetic fertilizers, growth hormones, GMO or genetically modified organisms, antibiotics or chemical pesticides. The Organic farming system is a holistic system that increases healthy food production from livestock or plants, keeping the agro-ecosystem and biodiversity intact. The environment is also left undisturbed, including the micro-organism living in the soil, livestock, and human beings. The main objective of organic farming is to practice agriculture in harmony with nature.

What makes organic food different?

Organic food looks pretty much same as regular food, but there is a difference. When you buy organic food, you are buying food that contains no hazardous chemicals. Below are a few more benefits of organic farming.

1. When you buy organic food, you support sustainable farming. Organic food does not contain any hazardous chemicals, so people and farms are tomatoes-359523_1280not contaminated.

2. Organic farming is eco-friendly, environment friendly and friendly to biodiversity.

3. Organic food does not contain any chemical pesticide, synthetic fertilizer residues, and other harmful chemicals which may have long-term and short-term side effects when consumed by humans and other animals. High levels of contaminated food can cause illnesses and cancer in humans.

4. Organic food has greater nutrition and food value than commercially grown food with chemical fertilizers. Many people also claim that organic food tends to taste better than food grown commercially without organic methods.

5. Organic food does not contain GMO. The use of GMO in food production has been a controversial issue in the United States, and the potential dangers of consuming genetically modified food by humans have not been yet fully discovered. One thing can be said with certainty that producing GMO food or altering genetic formation in animals can cause major ecological imbalances.

6. Growing organic food can increase the possibility of increasing sustainable business prospects for the future.

Growing organic food yourself

559px-Brian_Farrell_plantsThe price of food is increasing every day in the market. If you can grow your own organic food at home, you will be able to benefit from home-grown fruits and vegetables. Growing your own food will give you security and save you time and trouble that you go through when you purchase food from the market. You can grow a number of different fruits and vegetables right in your home garden, using organic methods. As this method does not include any toxic chemicals, synthetic fertilizers or ingredients that harm you or the environment, organic farming and organic food is ideal for children.

Natural farming

Natural methods of farming or gardening utilize the natural surface soil, building it with organic matter, and use little or no cultivation. The organic matter is allowed to decompose into the top soil slowly. Weed is controlled through mulch and more organic matter. This method replicates the way organic fertilizers work in nature. Natural farming is a simple and easy method of farming that anyone can apply.

Good nutrition

Children can easily learn about good nutrition and food grown through organic or natural methods of farming. This gives them an idea of how food is grown and where food comes from. Most kids do not understand the value of eating healthy. Growing your own food will give then an understanding of food and the value of eating healthy.

tomatoes-237446_1920Children can learn about soil composition, different parts of a plant, different types of plants, ecology, and the way plants grow and interact in nature when they work in the gardens themselves. It is also a great way to get children enjoying some healthy outdoor activities, while they learn and enjoy themselves outdoors.

Most people would agree that the nutrition vale and taste of organic food is far superior to regular food. It does not deplete the environment or our health. Children today lack the knowledge required for farming and knowledge about nature. They also need more outdoor fun activities that they can enjoy while creating new things and learning about nature. What can be a better thing for children to learn about nature than organic farming?

Watch our upcoming webinar with Dr. Jennifer Orlowski, on the 6th of August, here at NTP CEED headquarters live to learn more about organic farming and organic food.

P.S: -We’d love to hear from you, so please put down a few words in the comment box below.

Source: Nourish the Planet

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