What is anger?

Anger is one of those strong emotions of human beings that is actually quiet natural and to some extent a healthy and normal human behavior, according to American Psychological Association. We all get angry at some point in our lives. It could be triggered when we get annoyed at someone we love or something that either not working right or some catastrophe in our lives. We all come across events or things that trigger anger in us. We may even get angry or frustrated on ourselves for not having enough money, the right job, the right car or the right girl that you like.

Anger is a broad topic and basically it’s our natural reaction to threat. When we, our loved ones, our property or our dignity is threatened, we may react to it with anger. It is our natural way of warning others that something is not right and it’s bothering you.

A lot of the anger that we see on the street or around us also comes from misunderstanding, influence of drugs and alcohol, poverty, lack of education, and frustration. The way a child is brought up also shapes his or her behavior and education from parents and schools play an important role. A child can have anger management disorder if he was not taught to manage anger, if they modeled their parents which they thought the right way of behavior.

anger management

Can anger be a disorder?

When people fail to manage anger they may show behavioral disorders like being angry without reason, trouble with social life, jobs or relationships. However, anger is not the problem. The problem is what you do with it. A whole lot depends on how you manage and react to anger. It could affect your job, relationship, income, social life, conjugal life and so on. It could also lead to crime and many other dangerous consequences.

It often becomes a problem for many when people are unable to manage their anger properly, and people who suffer from anger disorder could tell you that anger is could be like a big monster that just jumps up suddenly and leaves again after causing big disasters. Intensity of anger may also vary from person to person or depending on the seriousness of the situation. It could range from sudden outburst of rage, to frustration and mild irritation.

Some of these disorders may lead to bigger psychological or physiological problems, including anxiety and mental depression. Detecting the signs of disorder at early stage could help you manage your anger more effectively, and avoid consequences leading to anger disorders that can disrupt your happiness and health.

Types of anger disorders

1. Intermittent explosive disorder

This is one of theanger management most common types of anger disorders that psychiatrists and physiologists treat today. Individuals suffering from this disorder might show violent outbursts of uncontrollable rage that may threat or harm other people. For example a road rage situation where a driver bumps into another car just because the car cut him off.

2. Oppositional defiant disorder

This is a common childhood disorder that may carry into adulthood as well if left untreated. Someone suffering with this disorder may become difficult to deal with as the person becomes childlike when angry, refusing to do what he or she is told. The disobedience and hostility levels may reach to unhealthy levels.


Anger related behavior

· Occasional anger outbursts

People with this kind of disorder may show episodes or periods of anger disorder every now and then. It could be once a day or once a week depending on the person and seriousness of the illness.

· Anger Suppression

This is when the person does not show any anger outburst, and keep anger suppressed and bottled up within them. This kind of disorder can also be harmful to a person and may lead to more catastrophic consequences.

· Passive Aggressive behavior

This is when a person does not show anger directly but uses some other indirect means to show their anger, which may be in forms of criticism, teasing, showing signs or signals, making sarcastic remarks, jokes, comments and simply becomes a difficult person to deal with.

The negative effects of anger

Do you get irritated or angry very easily? Sometimes you become angry and do things that you later regret. It could be hurting someone you love or shouting or screaming at people that you know will have negative effects on you. it may bring tears or heavy silence between you and your loved ones. Anger not only affects your personal life, but also your social and professional life.

Anger can make you ill

When we are angry, our brains release hormones such as noradrenaline, adrenaline, and cortisol. We also experience increased heartbeat, blood pressure and respiration rates. Frequent episodes of anger and rage can have serious consequences on your health and physiological problems.

anger disorder


Physical problems of anger

  • headaches
  • back ache,
  • heart disease
  • hypertension
  • insomnia
  • stroke
  • heart attack
  • depression
  • self injury
  • drug abuse
  • self injury
  • Low self esteem
  • mood swings

How to manage anger easily

anger management

To manage anger, you need to identify the signs of your disorder and taking actions in order to correct your behavior. The first thing you need to learn is how to cope with any situation and deal with it positively. Anger management does not mean stop feeling angry or trying to hold your anger, but it means to find healthier way to express anger and act rationally when angry.

Coping with anger is a learned skill and learning to manage and control anger takes regular practice and recognizing the seriousness of your disorder.

Some steps you can take to address anger issue

· Determine whether you need professional help:

You may need to take anger management classes or therapy. it depends on how serious your illness is, you will surely see better results if you see a mental health or anger management counselor.

· Recognize your frustrations early

By an early detection of your elements that causes irritation or frustrating for you, you will be able to control and cope with your anger rationally.

· Identify your triggers

We all have triggers for anger, and some have more triggers than others. By identifying your triggers you could bring your emotions under control and respond to the situation favorably.

More tips for managing anger

· Exercise regularly

Keeping your body healthy will also give you a healthier mind. Exercising release many of the hormones that our body needs to balance our emotions effectively.

· Limit use of alcohol and street drugs

Many of the street drugs and alcohol abuse have negative effect on our emotions. Although moderate drinking can take away depression, excessive drinking can lead to more depression and other health problems.

· Focus on your goals not problems

You might get frustrated when thing go wrong, and it might cause anger. it is important that you identify the anger causing elements and focus on your goals and focus on solutions to overcome your obstacles

· Think positive

Never give up hope. No matter how bad your situation looks, find a positive way to come out of the situation.

· Plan your life

Planning your life ahead of time may prepare you for ways to tackle problems along the way. You also need to plan your day and manage your time. Leading a well planned healthy life will also give you a healthy mind.

· Practice your behavior

Practice how you want to behave and what you want to say ahead of time if you regret your current behavior and reactions to problems.

· Stay happy

Find ways to stay happier and healthier. Think of things that make you happy and focus on entertainment, relaxation and relief from your current pressures or demands. Often laughter is the best medicine.

· Manage stress

Stress often brings emotional disorders including frustration, anxiety and anger Identify the stress causing elements and find ways to reduce and manage stress.

anger managemnent

Source: Balanced Life Team

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