It’s natural how we acknowledge and consider earth to be suitable for life. We think our planet has all the conditions we know of for life to exist. It’s all about how the natural atmosphere and liquid water on our earth, have made existence of life possible.

But  global warming is the ultimate threat to life and to the world. Life has been possible on earth through the various factors and a majority of them are threatened by global warming.

Scientists have been working really hard to explore the effects and causes global warming has on life on earth and to predict future warnings about the threats to life.

Simulated climate models have been designed in this matter to portray such responses and interactions which contributes to our atmosphere. Usually it’s the oceans that interacts with the atmosphere and that accounts for changes to the environment especially land surface. We see scientists putting in efforts  through the human induced and natural effects models.

So what should we do against those risks and this threat to life? One, perhaps relative, view is that the mere possibility of life or human extinction should inspire us to put in any efforts that we can to avoid it. Conventional foresight holds that we should try to limit global warming to 2°C. To justify this target, economists work to compare the cost of reducing current climate emissions with its benefits.

Indeed, there is a trade-off: using more resources today in climate-change prevention will lead us to the state where we put up less of a fight towards the other immediate risks. However, estimating these benefits means that we need to evaluate the value of reduction in preventing against possible future risks and threats to life.

smokeThere is a viable threat to life in terms of  global warming. The different studies reveal that by the end of the century a number of millions of people will be affected by coastal flooding and displacement due to land loss. People will see effects relevant to the food security, the reports forecast that climate change will reduce median yields to an extent 2 percent per decade.

There are going to be effects on the global economy, and a significant temperature rise will also be seen. Human health and security will naturally be effected as a consequence of global warming, a number of processes. One of the biggest  problems that the  human life will face is the  shortage of freshwater resources, that are going to be affected by global warming.

It will create a reducing effect on the renewable surface water and groundwater resources. Assuming that we could try doing everything that we could do possible to stop climate change, the crowd is always serious and optimistic.

We put hard efforts in to barely hold on to what resources we have today.  What future innovations would we be leading in order to help the billions of people who are struggling to survive today, and the billions more who will be sharing our resources, before we have time to work on the end of living conditions on the planet?

Please join us in our battle against environmental degradation, or at least help us spread awareness. Maybe we can find a solution together. To learn more about Environmental Professionals Network and to get a hold of us, click here to book a meeting, or call us at 303-495-3705 or email us .

Watch Replay of our webinar hangout with Dr Robert W. Howarth 09/03/14

Dr. Robert W. Howarth, Professor of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at Cornell University talks about greenhouse gases, global warming and pollution around the world.

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Source: Environmental Professionals Network

Related Articles and References:

  1. Will Global Warming Cause the World to End?
  2. 5 Facts to Know About Global Warming
  3. Global Warming Effects and What We Should Expect in the Future • What Is Global Warming
  4. What is global warming?
  6. 5 Global Green Issues Killing Mother Earth – Save Her!
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