Experts think the new generation solar panels are going to be cheaper and more energy efficient in many regions of the world by 2050. Solar power is going to be the cheapest source of energy in the future.
Solar power has always been seen as a promising source of alternative energy, which was also too expensive to compete with fossil fuels. However, the solar industry has been making amazing progress recently, and things have started to change.
Scientist are confident that solar can be one of the cheapest and most abundant sources of energy for the future. Now it can be efficiently used for converting energy from the sun into electrical energy for household needs.
How Solar Power Has Gotten So Cheap?
![By Fieldsken Ken Fields (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons](
By Fieldsken Ken Fields (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons
Latest solar technology
The newly discovered Nano Flake nanotube structure could revolutionize solar panels. Anthony Cuthbertson of International Business Times thinks that new generation solar panels could be a 100 million times more efficient than any solar panel previously measured.
“Next-generation solar cells could be infinitely more useful thanks to a newly discovered nanotube structure capable of transporting electrical charges 100 million times higher than previously measured.” – Anthony Cuthbertson | International Business Times
Most solar cells have been using silicon to harness the energy from the sun and convert it into electrical energy. However, this method has been proven far less efficient after scientists replaced silicon with carbon nanotubes to enhance the light absorption capabilities of solar cells.
A cheap material that boosts solar cells
A new type of photovoltaic material was discovered by researchers at Stanford University, that boosts the efficiency of solar cells by 50 Percent, says By Kevin Bullis in an article. Scientists were able to boost the efficiency of solar cells significantly, by adding a mineral called perovskite, on top of the conventional silicon solar cells.
The perovskite used by the Stanford team is made of relatively cheap and abundant materials such as lead ammonia, and iodine.
Custom solar windows
Super custom colored windows attached to high rise buildings could become a whole new, and very promising way solar panels could be used. Many countries of the world could benefit from these windows. Senthilarasu Sundaram, one of the researches at the Briain’s Exeter University told the Thomson Reuters Foundation that – “Super-thin, custom-colored panels attached to a building’s windows may become a “holy grail” for India and African countries.”
We are really excited to see all the latest progress made in the sustainable industry. Hope you enjoyed reading the new promising sources of alternative clean energy of the future, which is none other than the old, abundant source of all energies, the sun.
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Source: Environmental Professionals Network
Related articles and resources:
- New-generation solar panels far cheaper, more efficient: scientists | Reuters
- Amazing Solar Powered Vehicles – Take a Drive on a Sunny Day | Environmental Professionals Network
- Build Your Own Solar Water Heater- DIY Project | Environmental Professionals Network
- Breakthrough in Solar Power Technology to Replace Fossil Fuels | Environmental Professionals Network
- How Solar Power Has Gotten So Cheap, So Fast : NPR
- A Cheap Material Is Set to Cut the Cost of Solar | MIT Technology Review
- 9 Renewable Energy Sources of the Future | Environmental Professionals Network
- Next Generation Solar Cells to be 100 Million Times More Efficient
- Nano Flake Technology and Other Next-generation Solar Power Advances – HowStuffWorks
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