Aquarium plants are a great way to create a natural ecosystem for your fish. If you already have an aquarium with fish at home, your aquarium fish could benefit in many ways from aquatic plants. They get a fresh supply of oxygen and some plants also provide food for your aquarium fish. Plants purify tank water by taking in waste to produce the nutrients they need. Plants also provide a natural carpet for the fish tank floor, a natural hiding place for fish that also conceals pumps and fixtures of the aquarium and creates an ecological balance in the aquarium.
General tips on plant selection
When you are choosing your aquatic plants you want to make sure that they are naturally resilient, hardy and low maintenance. The best plants for your fish tank or aquarium would be green plants. Green plants don’t need that much sunlight and care.
Top 5 aquarium plants
Growing aquatic plants in your aquarium is not that hard. With a little guidance, practice and knowledge, you could increase your success rate significantly. There are a wide variety of aquatic plants you can choose for your aquarium. There are many different types of plants you could grow. Some plants float on the surface while others stay rooted at the bottom. Some are used for background and midground. We will discuss 5 plants here that look great in your aquarium for all different purposes.
1. Water wisteria
Water wisteria has tall lace like green leaves that could provide a beautiful green carpet for your aquarium. They spread out fast rather than growing tall. These plants are easy to grow and need minimal maintenance. They need moderate light and do well between the temperatures of 74 to 82 degrees.
2. Java Moss

“Javamoos” by Buchling at the German language Wikipedia. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
Java moss is a popular plant for aquariums which is also a low maintenance plant. They tend to grow on driftwood and rocks. They grow fuzzy and green at the bottom of the aquarium, and could provide protection for baby fish. They do well in all kinds of light and in temperatures between 70-90 degrees.
3. Amazon Sword
These plants have green tall leaves that resemble swords, and hence the name Amazon sword. They are excellent for providing a background or mid-ground for your aquarium which would be ideal for hiding your aquarium fixtures and provide hiding places for your fish. They can be up to 20 inches tall and often planted at the back of the aquarium in groups. They do well in temperatures between 72 to 82 degrees and need moderate lighting.
4. Java Fern
Java fern is a beautiful plant with long green leaves in bunches that can grow just about anywhere in your aquarium. It’s a low maintenance plant that can be used as a background for your aquarium. They need low to medium light and do well in the temperature range of 68-82 degrees. These plants provide excellent hiding places for fish.
5. Green tiger lotus
These spectacular plants have wide circular green leaves with red stripes that are ideal for decorating the background of large aquariums. The green tiger lotus needs very little maintenance and thrives in normal environmental conditions. These plants grow to up to two feet tall and need medium lighting. Ideal temperature range for these plants is 71 to 82 degrees.
So, these are the top 5 of my favorite aquarium plants. You could buy them at your local pet supply store or from some of the online places listed below at the resource section. I am sure you will enjoy growing these plants in your aquarium without any trouble.
Setting Up a Fish Tank with Live Plants | Aquarium Care
Video Source:Howcast
For more information on aquaponic systems or raising fish at home in aquariums, or if you would like to start your own fish farm, please give us a call at (303) 495-3705 or Click Here to book a meeting with us. We’d love to hear from you, so please leave a comment in the comment box below or click here to visit our Facebook page.
Source: WorldWide Aquaculture.
Related articles and resources:
- Think You Want To Grow Aquatic Plants? Here’s What it Takes
- The Best Way to Feed Your Aquarium & Farmed Fish | WorldWide Aquaculture
- Common Aquarium or Fish Farm Diseases & Treatments | WorldWide Aquaculture
- 5 Fish to Raise In Your Aquarium or Home Pond | WorldWide Aquaculture
- The best aquarium plants – Tropica Aquarium Plants
- Top 10 Aquarium Plants For Beginners
- 9 Best Freshwater Aquarium Plants for Beginners | Home Aquaria
- 10 Best Freshwater Aquarium Plants for Beginners
I also use Water wisteria and Amazon Sword for my 60 gallons fish tank. They look really good with some led lights and filter.
Nice choice of plants – congrats. I would also mention the Dark Red Ludwigia, very low maintenance and interesting colour.
Amazon sword is my number one on list, altough it can get a little demanding with lighting needs
I prefer Java Fern, look very nice in my goldfish tank.
Do these plants consume the waste produced by fish?
Plants will always make a fish tank more beautiful and more natural! 🙂