You’d be surprised to know how food can get you into the mood and even enhance your libido. “The link between food and sex drive isn’t just wishful thinking” says Cynthia Sass, RD. You can easily bring the romance and sizzle back into your married life with some hot and spicy food. What we eat and how we live has a strong influence on our everyday life. If your sex life is lacking some spark, you could surely spice things up with some supercharged love food. Good food will also help couples to stay healthier, drop pounds, and enhance overall fitness. The key to a better love life is better health. It actually helps you to stay healthier throughout your old age. Eating right and regular exercising will improve your blood circulation, keep you fit, and also improve your love life.
You might be having more early mornings than late night dates. However, it is important to remember that sometimes you have to put your marriage first. There are many ways you could spice up your marriage. Like taking a vacation, surprising each other with gifts, and so on, but today we will only talk about how the right kind of food can enhance your libido and love life. Here are 8 foods that should bring some spice back into your conjugal life.
1. Strawberries
Strawberries are boosters for your sex-drive. They have ingredients to boost your blood circulation, which is critical for both men and women, for functioning well sexually. Strawberries are also rich in antioxidants, which keep your heart and arteries healthy. On Top of that, strawberries are also high in vitamin C, gives you a surge of energy, which has also been known to increase sperm count for men. Any fruit high in antioxidants and vitamin C is good for your health, your blood circulation, heart, and your sex life.
You can take your strawberries a step further by dipping them into dark chocolate. Dark chocolate contain methylxanthine or Xanthine that may activate the libido.
2. Seafood
Salmon and other seafood like lobster, shrimp, clams, oysters, and scallops are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Eating pink-fleshed fish, as well as halibut and tuna, might be a great way to enhance your sex drive. Fatty acids may help prevent plaque buildup in the arteries, improving blood flow throughout the body. According to American Chemical Society, clams and scallops are also testosterone enhancers for men and women. A boost in testosterone production translates to higher sexual desires.
3. Avocados
Avocados can be regarded as libido superchargers. They are full of vitamin C, B6, and E, an have antioxidant properties. They also supply you with monounsaturated fatty acids, which may also keep your heart healthy and promote better blood circulation throughout your body.
4. Beef
Include beef in your diet to enhance your sexual desires. Beef contains amino acids, zinc, and L-arginine that improve blood flow in the tissues involving sexual response in men and women. Beef also enhances testosterone, the male sex hormone. According to NYU Langone Medical Center, zinc in beef and testosterone may effectively cure male erectile dysfunctions. However, men with high blood pressure and cholesterol should not indulge in a diet with high amounts of beef.
5. Nuts
Nuts contain essential amino acids, vitamins and acid l-arginine, zinc, and selenium that can improve your sexual health and power of reproduction. They help you with infertility issues and improve your heart condition. They also help our neurotransmitters stay healthy and support brain chemicals. “And the fatty acids in nuts increase endorphins, making you feel more relaxed,” says Balleck. (Woman’s Day).
6. Celery & Veggies
Celery and other green veggies like kale and spinach contain vitamin A and C in high concentration. These support your endocrine functions and supports hormone-balance. According to the health and nutrition expert CamniBalleck, Ph. D, “These foods also contain iodine, an essential mineral for proper function of your thyroid and adrenal glands, which in turn help regulate your mood”.
7. Red fruits and berries
Circulation is the big factor when it comes to sexual performance or getting into the mood. Fruits and berries are perfect foods to fuel your love. Any fruit such as apples, watermelon, grapes, peaches, berries or cherries are excellent for boosting your sex drive and libido. They have Vitamins, antioxidants and calories to boost your energy levels as well as give you all the goodness of nature to boost all your bodily functions, blood circulation, and hormonal balance. You can also control the symptoms of prostatitis and interstitial cystitis (IC), and promote circulation. Eat at least two apples a day on a regular basis in addition to berries, avocados, watermelons and strawberries for best results.
8. Complex carbohydrates
“A woman’s libido is stimulated when the neurotransmitter serotonin is released in her brain.” says Jennifer Hanes. D.O. “Your serotonin level increases when you consume carbohydrates, but a carb binge can result in a massive sugar crash an hour or so later,” She adds. So go for a meal that contains complex carbs such as whole grain pasta and breads, brown rice, veggies and legumes.
Any food that improves your blood circulation, keeps your arteries healthy, supplies you with antioxidants and improves your overall health, is also good for your sex drive and sexual performance. Some food, like nuts and bananas are also known to reduce anxiety and increase your libido. Experiment with several of these foods, along with other known aphrodisiacs, and you’re sure to find great results in the bedroom.
It’s not just food or just one food, but a combination of food and other factors that gets you sexy. We will be giving you other tips to bring some sizzle back into your love life, so please keep reading our blogs.
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Source: Balanced Life Team
Berry fruits effective to improve positive mood 🙂
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My doctor treetad me with 250mg on three week intervals. It did absolutely nothing and my depression deepened. Two months ago I started treating myself with 250mg of Test Enanthate each week. My depression? is totally gone and I am working out again for the first time in years. So, Dr. Erika, perhaps the family physician is too timid to effect a real cure using Testosterone. Also, it appears that below 125mg per week can be catabolic. It simply shuts down the testes.
this has helped so and my husband ate a lot of berries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!we haven’t done IT in YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAARZ and now thanks to this article we can’t get enough of each other!THIS ARTICLE SAVED OUR MARRIAGE!