Tips for Starting an Alpaca Farm

Tips for Starting an Alpaca Farm

This year the weather has been unusually cold and for many farmers it has become a major concern. If you own a farm and have kept your animals healthy all year round and provided added care, food, and shelter for your animals to reduce winter stress, they should do...
Green Cleaning & Preventing Indoor Air Pollution

Green Cleaning & Preventing Indoor Air Pollution

Cleaning products that we use and keep under our sink or in our garage may not always be the best choices of cleaning products for our health or the environment. Some of these products contain harmful chemicals that may cause many of the health issue in the short term...
5 Pieces of Financial Advice to be Thankful for

5 Pieces of Financial Advice to be Thankful for

There are really very few of us that can handle finances really well. We all have to make financial decisions every day, and some of us are better with our money. Simply put, not everybody knows how to earn and manage money efficiently for maximum benefits. Today, it...
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