Why Your Relationship Won’t Last

Why Your Relationship Won’t Last

Sorry, statistically it’s not likely. Do you think your relationship will last forever? Are you worried that it won’t? There are many secrets to a happy, long-term relationship that happy couples won’t tell you. A forever marriage may seem like a lofty goal, but it is...
Growth of the Global Economy and Outlook for 2015

Growth of the Global Economy and Outlook for 2015

The economy of the world has been showing improvement since the end of 2014, and this year, it has continued the trend as we begin 2015. Despite a few setbacks and bumps on the road of the economy, the future looks relatively brighter in this year compared to 2014. Ok...
5 Facts to Know About Global Warming

5 Facts to Know About Global Warming

The global climate has been changing rapidly in the past few decades. There has been a measurable trend towards global warming. Scientists are finding growing evidence that humans are at least partly responsible for this climatic change. With all the data about global...
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