Organic fertilizers make the living soil rich and nutritious for the plants to grow. the ingredients of the organic fertilizers come from all natural, chemical free nutrients that is not only good for the plants to grow naturally but also helps the nature to keep its balance and reduce negative impacts caused by harsh chemical fertilizers used in traditional farming. Soil rich in compost makes the flowers, fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants grow in a natural way and are a key element of the soil. By making your own compost fertilizer, you not only use your waste, you recycle and reuse most of your household waste and turn them into fertilizer. This helps the nature in its cycle of ecosystem and to make use of the stuff you would otherwise throw away and fill up the landfill.

Chemical fertilizers pros and cons

compostDepending on what type of soil structure you have, your soil might need some sort of chemical fertilizers rich in nitrates or nitrogen salts. Your soil may not have the right pH balance or may not be in the best shape and you may need to work on your soil to make it ideal for your garden. If your soil lacks in nutrients, using chemical fertilizers can supply mineral nutrients to your plants quickly. However, supplying chemical fertilizers do not supply food source for your soil. Some microorganisms and earthworms may even be repelled by chemical fertilizers because it tends to increase the acid levels in soil. Another bad side effect of using chemical fertilizers is that it reduces the water holding capacity of soil as well as leaches the nutrients from it; as a result, you will need more and more chemicals to stimulate growth for your plants each year.

Organic compost fertilizers condition your soil as well as nourish your plants. it keeps the ecological balance and the balance of microorganisms and bacteria, as well as keeps the worms active which is necessary for nitrogen, carbon, and other natural food cycles.

How do I make compost?

You will probably find all ingredients around the house for making your own compost. To make compost, you will need the following ingredients

·   The Green Stuff

This is the stuff high in nitrogen and will come mostly from your kitchen waste, such as your left over vegetable scraps, coffee beans, food from your kitchen, egg shells, and peel from fruits as well as bits of grass that you have cut from your lawn, and weed that you have pulled out from your vegetables garden is also your green material.

·   The Brown Stuff

Brown materials are high in carbon. You can easily find brown material around the house from saw dust, wasted paper, dried twigs or branches of trees, small pieces of wood, straw, dried leaves, and all similar materials fall in this group. These are equally important as your green stuff for your compost. You can add both these ingredients in equal parts and mix them up. Also reuse the stems from herbs and what you clean out of your stalls of goat or cattle barns and mix it with your brown and green stuff.

·   Moisture

Water is a key ingredient of your compost fertilizer pile. Without water, your compost pile will take months to become fertilizer and to do anything for your garden. Your ingredients will not mix properly and will not blend with your soil. To make your pile soluble, make sure you add enough water to it, but not too much, as this would make your pile stick and make it slimy. You want to keep the bad bacterial low, and the actions of good bacteria to outweigh the bad ones. Instead of making your pile dripping wet, make it damp with a bucket of water or hose. Keep it for a week. You will notice that your compost pile will become hot in the middle. Turn it inside out once a week.

Wheelbarrows in the Rain

Should I buy organic compost?

Buying compost and organic fertilizers at the market is just as easy as buying chemical fertilizers. You will find at your local home or garden supply stores or home depot, the packs will be labeled “organic” on them. You can use them just as easily as you would use your synthetic fertilizers and benefit from them just as easily. They have the perfect blend of all ingredients you need for a healthy growth of your garden.

You could prepare your compost from every bit of food in your kitchen or your recycled material around the house such as your yard waste, weed you pull off, the grass you cut, your old and dried leaves, and so on. Making compost is really easy and becomes very useful for your soil as in is strong in nutrition value, and also helps your soil to be conditioned and regenerate in nutrition for your plants to grow in natural life cycle.

Bleeding Hearts

Source: Institute Of Ecolonomics

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