Hello and welcome back to another issue of top 5 alternative health sites of the week. This week, we have 5  top sites in a unique alternative health category, which is Biofeedback Therapy.

Every week we do a countdown from a special field of alternative health. Hope you enjoyed our last week’s countdown, which was Top 5 Alexander Technique Sites Based on Alexa Ranking!

This week we are going to present 5 more sites from the alternative health realm, and our category this week is Biofeedback Therapy. Our ranking is based on quality, information, and Top Alexa ranking sites by category.

Top 5 Biofeedback Therapy sites based on Alexa Ranking

Biofeedback therapy is another unique field of alternative health, where patients are trained to control their physiological processes. Patients with training can learn with the help of their trainer, how to manipulate involuntary actions like muscle tension, heart rate, blood pressure and such.

Biofeedback Therapy can be useful to treat illnesses like blood pressure, migraine, and headaches. It’s particularly effective at treating conditions brought on by severe stress. Below are the Top 5 Biofeedback Therapy sites of this week, so let’s get right into it.

Site # 5: Biofeedback Federation of Europe – BFE

The Biofeedback Federationbiofeedback of Europe is located in the UK. It’s a non-profit community interest company that promotes awareness among health professionals and clinicians on the latest biofeedback techniques. It’s a resourceful site if you are interested about these techniques. Check out some of their resources – videos, and articles.

Blogs we like from BFE

Site # 4: Southeastern Neurofeedback Institute Inc.

Southeastern Neurofeedback Institute Inc. was established by Joel F. Lubar Ph.D., BCIA-EEG in 1979. This institute provides professional certification training in QEEG analysis and neurofeedback. They conduct researches and also advise professionals on designing research in EEG biofeedback.

Articles we like from Southeastern Neurofeedback Institute Inc.

Site # 3: Neuroptimal

medical facility Neuroptimal can either find a neurofeedback trainer for you, or they can train you to become one. They can put you in touch with a professional trainer to receive a therapy at their office or in the comfort of your own home. You can also sign up for their courses online, to become a professional certified neurofeedback trainer yourself. This is a very resourceful site with a wealth of information.

Blogs we like from Neuroptimal

Site # 2: Stress Therapy Solutions, Inc.

Stress Therapy Solutions, Inc. is an education based marketing company, and they specialize in education through webinars, workshops, and lectures. They cover a wide range of topics related to biofeedback, EEG (electroencephalograph) and brainwave training.

Blogs we like from Stress Therapy Solutions, Inc.

Site # 1: EEG Info

EEGOur winner of this week’s countdown is…. EEG Info! It’s at the top of the Alexa ranking and also an amazing site. It’s attractive and informative. What really sets this site apart is the use of graphics to present information.

EEG Info is the website of an EEG Institute that offers OMC (Other Method Certification) professional certification courses for health & mental health practitioners, with a Masters or above. This site has information on their study courses and their research work on Neurofeedback. It also gives you an introduction to Neurofeedback therapy. You’ll find lots of books, videos and articles as well.

Blogs we like from EEG Info

Now, wasn’t that awesome? Let us know your thoughts. We’ll be back with another top 5 countdown, so check back next week. Until next time, stay safe and stay healthy. Happy learning!

P.S: – Got a health question? Catch us live on our next BLAB!

Source: Alternative Health Concepts.

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