We are all born with a natural defense mechanism in our body that protects us from potentially harmful foreign intruders, pathogens, and infections. It’s called the immune system.

The immune system is the body’s natural defense mechanism. Several organs work together in our body to make the immune system work. If we didn’t have a healthy immune system, our ability to fight diseases would be reduced and we would get sick more often.

Here we are giving you an overview of different organs involved in our immune system function.

The design

"Illu lymphatic system". Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

Illu lymphatic system“. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

The immune system in our body is designed with several organs that work together to fight diseases. These include tonsils, lymph nodes and lymphatics, thymus glands, bone marrow, and spleen.

Tonsils: Tonsils are located on the sides of our throat or at the back of or throat. They help produce antibodies that fight diseases.

Lymph nodes and lymphatics: They are found throughout our body. They carry nutrients, fluid, and waste material between the body tissues and the bloodstream. They trap bacteria, viruses and other potentially harmful substances, which are then destroyed by the lymphocytes, the white blood cells.

Thymus gland: Thymus glands are located at the bottom of the neck, in the upper chest area, behind the collar bones. They also make antibodies that fight infection.

Bone marrow: Bone marrow is present inside all our bones, especially inside the long bones, vertebrae, and pelvic bones of the body. They produce white blood cells that fight infection.

Spleen: Spleen is found in the upper left side of the abdomen. It helps our body to recognize foreign objects, bacteria and viruses, so that our body can destroy them and defend itself against them.

(Source: WebMD: Immune System)

How it works

The immune system consists of special chemicals that fight infections. Our immune system recognizes and produces antibodies against germs so that they are destroyed and cannot cause infection. If the body comes across the same germs that have been destroyed in the past, it will quickly recognize them and destroy them.

  • Antibodies produced by the immune system also neutralize infection or the toxins that some germs produce.
  • When we get a cut, the white blood cells in our body stops germs from entering our body through the wound.
  • Lymphocytes are another type of immune system cell. B-lymphocytes try to identify the microbe. If the microbes have been defeated before, our immune system recognizes it and knows which antibody to use to kill them.
  • There are a number of different T-lymphocytes. Helper cells help the B-lymphocytes to make antibodies. Killer cells attack infection. Suppressor cells help to call a halt to the immune system response.

(Source: Immune system | Better Health Channel)


Our immune system is designed with several organs and chemicals throughout our body, that work together to fight disease naturally. You could easily boost your immune system naturally.

A healthy lifestyle, healthy diet and regular exercises can strengthen our immune system and help us fight diseases more effectively.

To learn more about immune system and overall physical health, please read our blogs regularly. Please add your questions or comments in the comment box below.

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Watch Replay of Huddle Hangout with Dr Jennifer Orlowski

Dr. Jennifer Orlowski, ND at PURE WELLNESS. Her focus is preventative care, management and restorative support of chronic illness usually through dietary changes.

Video Source: Ecolonomics

Source: Balanced Life Team

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