5 Things you are doing to Damage the Planet

5 Things you are doing to Damage the Planet

You might think that you are living a sustainable lifestyle and that you know how to reduce your carbon footprint. But you would be surprised to learn about how many different ways we are damaging our planet every day. Our planet Earth – it’s the only planet...
Dangers of Eating Beef – What is Safe Red Meat?

Dangers of Eating Beef – What is Safe Red Meat?

Beef may vary in composition and nutrition level based on what the animals were fed. There may be health concerns associated with red meat. Consuming grass fed animals is lot healthier and safer for us than animals that were raised on other types of food. Our diet...
The Best Way to Feed Your Aquarium & Farmed Fish

The Best Way to Feed Your Aquarium & Farmed Fish

What is the best way to feed your fish? Well, just like us humans, fish also grow their best when they eat plenty of natural, well balanced food. Depending on what type of fish you have, feeding them all natural food is the best for you and for the environment where...
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