Sustainability is always an important quality to practice in every industry, and it is also something that can be integrated into your daily life. While there are growing initiatives to help entrepreneurs work in a more sustainable way, it can be easy to overlook the small but significant changes that you can make at home. Read on for some suggestions on how to live more sustainably and make this a part of your daily life.
Opt for public transport where possible
While public transport might have its limitations, depending on where you live, avoiding cars and other vehicles in favor of more environmentally efficient ways can have a major impact over time. There are many options that you could consider helping you get around in a more sustainable way, such as cycling or walking, using trains or buses, or when public transport is not available, carpooling with others.
By reducing dependency on cars to get around, we can reduce carbon emissions dramatically, as well as reducing the impact that private vehicles have on our local areas.

Reduce consumption and reuse instead
It goes without saying that many people in the Western world have a serious addiction to consuming goods. With constant advertisements bombarding new goods and products, it seems like there is always something new to be bought. Many of these items, however, are soon condemned to landfill, and one of the biggest culprits is fashion, with tons of waste generated from discarded clothing every year.
Instead of buying a new outfit every time a new trend emerges, you can approach this sustainably every day by choosing to reuse existing garments, or opting to buy second hand instead. There are many retail sites and stores where you can find excellent used or unworn clothing, as well as clear out any items of your own, and this can be a brilliant way to enjoy dressing up, without contributing to more consumption and waste.
Use your green spaces
If you are lucky enough to have a garden, then this can be a great space to practice sustainable and environmentally beneficial practices. You might like to take a look here for useful tips on reducing the impact of erosion, as well as research into beneficial plants you could be growing, such as those that can help attract bees and butterflies in your local area.

For those that do not have a private garden, community gardens and allotments are also wonderful spaces to use and can benefit others greatly. You might like to set up a community gardening space that can be used to educate others, grow communal vegetables or herbs, and provide leisure space. The benefits of having outdoor space for people to use are many, boosting physical and mental health, and by fostering greater awareness about how our behavior can impact the environment, we can help to encourage greater understanding about our actions, as well as help others to understand how to help support the natural world.
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