Do you love gardening? One of the biggest benefits of gardening is that you can grow your own food. You don’t need to be a farmer to grow your own healthy organic foods.  

If you have ever wondered why you should grow your own food, I’ll give you 7 reasons that may motivate you to start doing this. Unlike most people believe, you don’t really need to be a farmer or live in the country to grow plants indoors. You don’t even need a lot of space, time or massive amounts of effort for indoor planting. There are several ways to grow healthy organic foods indoors, any time of the year! Below, I have 7 reasons why you should grow your own food at home, these benefits will hopefully encourage you to do it!

1. Saves you Money:

When you start growing your own food, you’ll find that you’ve started saving a lot of money on grocery bills! How amazing is that?. You’ll also save a lot of energy and time, by saving trips to the store. So, you eat fresh and also save energy by reducing your fuel consumption and transportation costs.  Does not get more ecolonomic that this!

2. Guaranteed Fresh:

green vegetablesYour home grown foods are guaranteed fresh! What can be fresher than freshly harvested home-grown foods? You can grow a number of fresh organic herbs, fruits, and vegetables that not only better tasting but also fresher than store bought foods. This also gives you the security that you know exactly what you are eating and not having the risk of potentially harmful foods you may find at a grocery store.

3. Full Range of Nutrients:

Homegrown food is full of nutrients. In fact, it is more nutritious than most foods you buy at the supermarket. Most industrial foods in the market today are declining in nutritional value because they are either genetically engineered or bred for higher yields, and not nutrition.  When you grow foods yourself naturally, without chemicals and GMO, you have a better range of natural nutrients and micronutrients in your food.  Like on the previous point, you know exactly what you eat when you grow your own foods, no better way of doing it.

4. Tastier Foods:

green vegetablesIf you grow your food for nothing else but just for the taste of it, you should go for it. Even if your food may not look as good as the store bought food, you can really taste the difference of homegrown foods.  It has natural goodness in higher concentration, and also free from chemical residues.  Nature knows what it is doing, so trust the natural process.

5. Save Energy:

Just imagine how much energy you’ll save by growing your own food? Yes, you’ll actually save energy by saving trips to the store. You’ll actually enjoy working on your indoor garden as you grow your own plants, it can be an awesome activity that can be highly recreational and relaxing. It will help you live a healthier and happier life. It will also improve your neighborhood by reducing the energy consumption and carbon footprint associated with transportation and storage of food.

6. Eat Natural:

cabbageWhen you grow your own food, you can be sure that you are eating foods grown by natural methods. When it comes to food, natural is always better. When you buy from the supermarket, you do need to read the labels carefully. If you are not careful, you can pick up foods that are not so safe to eat, especially if you are buying imported foods.  As mentioned previously, this is probably the biggest advantage of taking on this activity!

7. Reduce Pollution:

Growing your own food reduces pollution in many different ways. First, you reduce your energy consumption and carbon footprints by reducing trips to the grocery store. Secondly, when you grow foods without herbicides, pesticides, and through natural methods, you are reducing overall pollution.  Commercially grown food treats sue chemicals that can run-off from agricultural facilities and farms into the environment, polluting land and water.  This is a benefit that may not be quite as apparent as the others but if you think about it, you will keep finding more and more benefits that come out of this practice.

EAT FreeP.S: To learn more about agriculture Click Here to join the Ecolonomic Action Team (EAT) Community or join our Facebook page for more discussion and posts. Also,   read our blogs regularly. We’d love to hear from you, so please add your comments in the comment box below.

Source: Institute of Ecolonomics

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